How to get rid of PREMATURE  EJACULATION !!

Premature ejaculation is a common but stressful concern, and not just among young men. A premature ejaculator can’t keep himself from ejaculating (or “coming”) before he wants to. The cause is not physical, but mental. In other words, it’s not the man’s penis that is “malfunctioning,” but his brain. The upside is that a man can learn how to control his orgasms and avoid premature ejaculation with time and discipline.

As with many sexual dysfunctions, different degrees of premature ejaculation exist. Some men are so severely afflicted that they can’t last long enough to penetrate a woman for intercourse. But even a man who can last 15 minutes may fall under the umbrella of premature ejaculator if he wants to last 5 extra minutes and can’t do so. The time frame depends on the man.

The penis of a man who hasn’t been circumcised is often more sensitive than a circumcised man’s. That said, no scientific study has shown that circumcision makes a significant difference. Most certainly a man who isn’t circumcised can learn how to prolong his climax just as effectively as a man who is.

Home remedies

Home remedies are generally not recommended. (Why not try to discover how to take control of the situation altogether so you can fully enjoy and engage in intercourse?) That said, people have all sorts of ideas about what he can do to make himself last longer before seeking professional help. As you may expect, the results are mixed.

The baseball technique: Think of something that isn’t sexy. This technique can work to some degree, but it’s not a good way of making love. Your partner may sense that wall you put between you and the act and think that you want to distance yourself from her.

Condoms: Condoms cut down on the sensations that a man has. If one condom doesn’t work, then put on two or more. Although using two condoms may decrease a man's sensation, it also decreases condom effectiveness — so unless your partner is using another method of birth control and you're both STD-free, don't try this technique.

Over-the-counter products: Some products supposedly lessen the sensations in the penis so the man can last longer.

Masturbation: Some young men masturbate before going out on a date that may lead to sex. The object here is to decrease the intensity of their desire for sex in the hopes of gaining some control.

Different positions: The missionary position (when the man is on top) is probably the one in which men have the most problems, but not always.

The real cure: Recognizing the premonitory sensation

The real cure for premature ejaculation is for you to be able to recognize the premonitory sensation — the feeling a man gets just before he reaches the point of no return, also called the moment of inevitability. Right before he reaches that point, if he so desires, he can cool the fires and not ejaculate. And if he wants to abandon his status as premature ejaculator, he must learn to identify this sensation.

The idea, then, is to learn how to slow down the process before you get too close to the edge. You can do this with a cooperative partner or, although it takes more effort and self-control, by yourself. The technique itself is very simple, but it involves some discipline, and that discipline’s not always so simple.

The start-stop technique

Learn how to recognize the premonitory sensation and stop before you get to the point of inevitability. You do this by slowly increasing your level of arousal, stopping, allowing yourself to calm down, and then heading back upward again. Some people advise assigning numbers to the levels, from 1 to 10, with 10 being the point of no return. If that numbering system helps you, fine. If it distracts you, then just concentrate on the sensations.

For a couple, the woman should use her hand to arouse the man and stops the motion when he signals her to. Slowly, he begins to exercise more and more control. Depending on the man, this whole process can take a few weeks or a few months, but the process is almost always successful if done with discipline and without engaging in actual intercourse until full control is achieved.

Some men get impatient upon initial early success. They decide to engage in full intercourse before they’ve cemented their control. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. When the technique doesn’t work, they’re disappointed, and some men even give up entirely.

The Masters and Johnson squeeze technique

Rather than merely stopping stimulation to the penis, the man’s partner gently squeezes thefrenum of the penis (the strip of skin connecting the glans to the shaft on the underside of the penis) until the man loses his urge to ejaculate. Because the start-stop technique is usually effective, the squeeze technique isn’t as commonly used.

Another useful aid in controlling premature ejaculation can be the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which, when squeezed, has a similar effect to the woman squeezing the base of the penis. The first thing you have to do is find this muscle. Put a finger behind your testicles. Pretend that you’re going to urinate and then stop yourself. You’ll feel a muscle tighten, and that’s your PC muscle. If you exercise this muscle regularly, by squeezing it in sets of ten, it will get stronger, and you can then use it to help control your ejaculations.

10 Best Foods to Increase PENIS SIZE !! 

Follow the blow list  of fruits ----


Watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection harder. Once it’s in the body, it converts to L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the penis, strengthening erections.


The boner-boosting ingredient in eggs is choline, a powerful natural chemical that not only burns fat but can help set your pants afire. Choline triggers the production of nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes arteries in the penis and enables blood flow to do its thing. Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which controls sexual behavior through its activity in the brain; having a higher level of AcH has been associated with more frequent sex and more intense, longer orgasms. Bonus: Eggs are high in vitamins B5 and B6, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two undoubtedly helpful factors in the bedroom. 


Eating fig for sexual health(stamina)Fig is a dry fruit that is consumed throughout the world. It is a dry fruit that has great nutritional value. It as been used as a sexual enhancer by civilization of many thousand years old. The Egyptian started using it and then there have been signs that Persians as well as mughals royals used fig. these royals had many wives and sex slaves and it is said that fig helped them in their sexual escapades.How it works:To be honest I wont be able to tell you how fig helps you and I can’t give you scientific logic behind it effectiveness but after using it for a week you would will that your volume of your ejaculation would increase by many folds.


How alpha are you? Well, how many shakes of hot sauce can you handle? A recent study from France found men who have a taste for spicy foods tend to have higher testosterone levels than those who can’t handle the heat. Of the 114 male participants surveyed, researchers saw a clear correlation between frequent hot-sauce usage and higher T-levels. Study authors suggest the findings may be due in part to capsaicin—the fiery compound in chili pepper that previous studies have associated with increased testosterone levels. In animal studies, capsaicin has also shown to increase the size of sex organs, while simultaneously decreasing belly fat. 


Hard men have healthy hearts, so eat bananas for potassium, which is great for your heart and circulation. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium levels under control, stopping your blood pressure from hitting the roof and reducing your risk of heart problems. If you eat too much salt and don’t like bananas, get your potassium from oranges or jacket potatoes (the mineral’s in the skin).


According to historians, ancient Egyptians used garlic to boost their stamina. While they didn’t have modern-day science to confirm that it actually worked, they were most certainly onto something. Researchers have confirmed that consuming the plant helps stop the formation of new fatty deposits, called nanoplaques, inside arterial walls. Yup, that includes the arteries leading to your penis, too. Keep your heart healthy and your erections strong by adding the kitchen staple to your weekly dishes.


Why do you think that they are always saying that oysters are a natural aphrodisiac? The reason why this is done is because of this. It is an excellent source of vitamin B6 and Zinc. This can help raise testosterone. Your sex drive will be off the chain with this.


With more omega-3s, gram for gram, than salmon, and double that of flaxseed, cha cha cha chia seeds are also one of the best sources of dietary fiber in the world. Just two tablespoons of the seed provide 11 grams of filling fiber — that’s more than you’ll find in 3 packets of Quaker Original Instant Oatmeal, and particularly good news for your waistline, researchers say. For every 10-gram increase in fiber eaten per day, belly fat reduced by 3.7 percent over five years, a recent study found.


It’s no secret that oily coldwater fish like wild salmon, sardines, and tuna are overflowing with omega-3 fatty acids, but here’s something you may not know: The nutrient not only benefits your heart but also raises dopamine levels in the brain. This spike in dopamine improves circulation and blood flow, triggering arousal. There’s more: “Dopamine will make you feel more relaxed and connected to your partner, which makes sex more fun,” says psychotherapist and sex expert Tammy Nelson. 


There's a reason chocolate became a gift given before amorous activity. Cacao increases levels of the mood-boosting hormone serotonin, which can lower stress levels, boosting desire and making it easier to reach orgasm. And that’s not all: Cocoa also increases blood flow through the arteries and relaxes blood vessels, sending blood to all the right regions, which can boost sexual pleasure.